Mainers, standing for Freedom
Alone you may feel helpless, together we will tackle one issue at a time.
Who is Maine Stands Up?
We are a group of concerned freedom-loving Mainers who defend the Constitution and work diligently to restore our rights under the Maine and U.S. Constitution to return this country to the original Republic that our founders created.
We recognize that our medical, educational, food, legal, energy, political systems, and legacy news outlets have been compromised and do not serve our greater good.
We are engaging local farmers, fishermen, loggers, traditional healthcare providers, home school networks, hunters and foragers to create a healthier, stronger, better educated community.
We work with freedom loving members of our communities and other like-minded groups to run for school boards, select boards, town councils as well as state and federal political positions.
We are united in our common goal to stand together in a healthy, supportive community in our beloved state of Maine as "WE the People”.
Statement of Purpose
We are a community group called Maine Stands Up. Our purpose is to support human freedom, especially as it is defined by the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We stand for medical freedom, free speech, freedom of religion, and a broad rejection of totalitarianism. We welcome all who feel the same way.
What We Do
We are a community utility organized as a Maine, LLC consisting of volunteers on a council, others as community hosts, and members. Regular meetings provide a community network throughout the state of Maine. Our original purpose was to fund lawsuits, but we soon realized that our strength lay in knowing each other in Maine. We are nonpartisan and have no religious or philosophical ties with any other organization though we support other Maine groups and individuals who are also working toward freedom.
We support multiple strategies. We have come to realize that our strength lies in true community. Our interests range from permaculture, organic farming, and common law, to home schooling. We are knowledgeable about infringements on our Constitutional, medical, financial and food sovereignty. We educate each other and share solutions. Many of our members have run for school boards and town councils. We are committed to standing up for freedom in our own villages. We know that the future is local.
Thank you Tribute to Ron Jenkins
As the legal front moves away from our organization direct focus, and towards a national approach - we asked Dave’s Paper to put together this tribute video to the incredible Ron Jenkins. Thank you Ron for everything you’ve done for our beautiful state of Maine!