Mostly Free To Do List for Freedom Lovers

  1. Find your tribe and meet regularly.

  2. Hug people regularly.

  3. Be aware of what's being taught in school/consider homeschooling or join the local school board. Have hard conversations with teachers and administrators.

  4. Unschool yourself. Deprogram. Question your beliefs. Debate with people rather than argue.

  5. Know where the resources in your community are.

  6. Use cash more.

  7. Consider bartering when possible.

  8. Ditch loyalty accounts or use an alias.

  9. Install a landline and share your number with friends.

  10. Create a physical rolodex with all your important contacts.

  11. Stop lining the pockets of the criminals. Be a conscious consumer. Avoid big box stores, especially ones that use facial recognition and don't accept cash.

  12. Get to know your farmer. Join a CSA. Go to the farmers market or even better visit the farm. Meet your meat.

  13. Don't use QR codes or Self-checkouts

  14. Learn self defense (whatever that means to you) It will empower you and get you in shape at the very least.

  15. Support small banks. Consider gold/silver/bitcoin/alternative investments.

  16. Invest in food. Have a goal to have a year supply on hand.

  17. Have a list of healthcare providers you trust on your refrigerator with specific directions regarding the jab, do not resuscitate and other directives.

  18. Get out in nature (preferably barefoot).

  19. Learn about “alternative” healing methods (tinctures/sound/homeopathy/acupuncture)

  20. Take personal responsibility for your health. Don't rely on your doctor for all the answers.

  21. Get the chemicals out of your body (food and personal care products), your home (cleaners, carpeting, clothing) and your community (fluoridated water, emf/radiation towers).

  22. Take inventory of your living equity (These are the things that do not constitute property and cannot be priced or traded but are essential to building financial wealth and managing risk such as education and skills, intellectual capital, your family and friends and your health and wellness.)

  23. Eat organic and local. This contributes to your health, the health of the earth and the health of the farmer. The extra price is made up in the nutrient density and of the food. The vitality of the food transfers to the vitality of the person eating it.

  24. Subscribe to real news: The Maine Anchor/Fort Fairfield Journal/Daves Paper/The Maine Wire/Maine Journal News

  25. Attend Town/County meetings (Council, Planning Board, Conservation Committees, etc.)

  26. Speak out against the agenda's that are destroying our country.

  27. Hardwire your home to clean up the EMF's or at lest put your router on a timer and turn all devices off at night.

  28. Network and collaborate with inspiring people.

  29. Share what you have and don't be afraid to ask for what you need.

  30. Get to know your representatives. Have hard conversations with them.

  31. Understand that freedom and control both happen one person at a time and you are part of a group of people who is being targeted by AI every time you're on the internet. Make a concerted effort to discern and take responsibility.

  32. Be an example of freedom in your community every chance you get.

  33. Don't do any of these things out of fear. Do them for your mental/emotional/spiritual health.