Medical Freedom Bills - April 3rd
From Dr. Meryl Nass’s Substack:
Religious and philosophic exemptions were voted away by the Maine legislature in a contentious vote 4 years ago. After dealmaking and rewording, it passed by a single vote.
Now, in light of the COVID vaccine debacle, we are revisiting those exemptions and vaccine mandates. The Education Committee of the Legislature is holding a hearing on a series of bills designed to restore the exemptions or prohibit certain vaccine mandates.
Testimonies may be up to 3 minutes. If you are testifying in person, you will hand 20 copies of any materials you wish to share with the clerk. You cannot use other visual aids during your testimony. The instructions for ZOOM testifying are below. You will need to tell the committee whether you are testifying for or against one or more bills below. (Scroll down.) I imagine most of us are in favor of all of them, and your testimony can address one or more. To read the bill language, you must go to the link below and click on each bill individually. You may also need to click to the week of April 2-9.